We accept returns on all items, You will have 3 days to initiate a return request from order delivery. Thus, we encourage you to inspect your order upon reception immediately and contact us as soon as possible if there are any issues.
To initiate a return, simply tap the Request Return button on the order details page. Once we receive your return, the item(s) will be evaluated before your refund (if eligible) is made. The evaluation process may take up to 7 business days. Item(s) must be in the condition they were in when sent by , including but not limited to:
No clear signs of wear/try-on/wash, no odors;
All original packaging/shoeboxes have no signs of damage/creases,
Accessories and gifting items (if any) included.
No clear signs of wear/try-on/wash;
No signs of makeup stains, such as lipstick;
No damages/scratches/odors;
Original tags, accessories, and gifting items (if any) included;
Special packaging (if any) included.
No scratches, no odors, original tags, and packaging must be intact;
Accessories and gifting items (if any) included.
Original qualities, functions, logos, internal and external packaging must be intact;
The item has not been installed and/or used;
No scratches/damages/bumps/disassembly/odors;
Accessories and gifting items (if any) included.
Item(s) must be shipped to us within 3 days after we approve your request. If you are eligible for a refund, we will notify you via email. The refund amount would be the total amount you paid minus the return shipping fee. We will initiate the refund process within 1-2 business days.
If your returned item is not eligible for return upon our evaluation, we will notify you via email and ship the item back to you. You need to pay for the return shipping fee.
Please note that it may take some time for your bank to process the refund. If more than 7 business days have passed since we processed your refund, please contact your bank or contact us at c13662685077@163.com for assistance.
*Last Updated: 11/24/2024